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Helping people with Coeliac Disease Heal & Thrive

The Coeliac Naturopath is an online Naturopathic clinic supporting people living with Coeliac disease and/or gluten intolerance. I currently help clients from all across Australia, as well as globally, combining the latest research paired with my unique formula to optimise their health and set them up for long-term success.

Hi, I’m Zoe!

Naturopath, Nutritionist and Gluten Free Practitioner

And I am passionate about helping people thrive with Coeliac disease and gluten intolerance, unlocking their own healing power and giving them the tools they need to be empowered about their health and wellbeing.

Diagnosed with Coeliac disease over 20 years ago, I have a thorough and deep understanding of the challenges which come with this condition and through much trial and error, I have developed a unique protocol which I use with my Coeliac clients to ensure their success in thriving with this condition.

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Being diagnosed with Coeliac disease was a big shock. I remember the phone call from the gastroenterologist – he tried to make a joke and said it wasn’t a life sentence.

It certainly felt like it at the time. 

I was working as a Marine Engineer living on cargo ships for months at a time, with all my meals provided. It was a difficult transition with contamination issues and so I ended up preparing a lot of my own food when I could. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was one of the best things I could’ve done as it gave me true insight into going back to basics with food prep and figuring out how to eat in an environment that was often out of my control.

Work with The Coeliac Naturopath

The Healthy Coeliac Hub

This is a space to share information for people with coeliac disease and gluten intolerance to feel supported and take control of their health.

Click here to join >

Heal & Thrive Program

A gluten free 12 week program to heal and thrive.
Get started with a Discovery call.

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